Sweet, Healthy Honey

Honey SpoolNot only is honey considered a delicious treat, this superfood is a wonderful addition to any body or beauty product. Researchers are turning up new medical benefits of honey all the time so you shouldn’t even begin to wonder why I use natural, additive-free farm grown honey in all my products.

Honey has numerous natural benefits including being antimicrobial, antibacterial, a natural antioxidant, antiseptic and has amazing healing and cleansing properties for head to foot situations. It’s strongly recommended for beauty and skin care including keeping your hair healthy, healing eye infections, athlete’s foot and so much more! The powerful healing qualities of honey have been used for centuries around the world to help heal cuts, reduce inflammation and scarring, cure diseases and ailments, and help health disorders. On top of this, honey is also recommended for treating digestive problems such as stomach ulcers, indigestion, diarrhea, and gastroenteritis. These benefits of honey are just a drop in the bucket. I include honey in all my products not only because of these wonderful healing remedies just mentioned, but also because it is a natural skin care option. It helps heal acne, eczema, sunburns, the effects of psoriasis, and it also helps heal yeast infections.

Bee on a flowerSo how does honey work like this? Honey naturally contains enzymes, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. It is formed when bees gather nectar from flowers, regurgitate it, then fan it with their wings until most of the water in the nectar has evaporated. Their saliva is enzyme rich and turns the sucrose into glucose and fructose, while another enzyme turns some of the glucose into an acid and hydrogen peroxide. This makes it impossible for bacteria to survive. It also makes it naturally resist mold, fungi, and other bacteria allowing honey to last for years and still stay fresh. The potency of honey’s healing properties is dependent on the type of flowers from which bees gather their nectar. At Ember Cove I have received nothing but positive feedback on the healing quality of my products!

The honey I use in Ember Cove products is farm grown, completely natural and additive-free. I know the bee-keeper, and the bees couldn’t be happier. By using all natural non-processed honey, the benefits are guaranteed to be free of any negative side effect.

Honey Remedies:

Tips for healing Eye Infections:

Honey, which as mentioned above has antibacterial properties and acts as a humectant (helps retain water), will clear the eye of infection and provide soothing relief. Use raw, unpasteurized honey for additional antibiotic properties. Honey can be used in several ways for eye infection.

For an eye infection that has spread to the eyelid, mix equal parts honey with distilled or boiled water to make a solution. Use a cotton ball and apply on the eye. For more effectiveness, leave the soaked cotton ball on the eye, and do not reuse to prevent spreading of infection. The same solution can be used as eyedrops. Keep the eye open and squeeze two or three drops in the eye. The mixture can also be used to rinse the eye two or three times daily until infection clears.

Honey can also be applied directly to the eye without diluting it. Place one or two drops of honey directly on your eyes. The honey will collect dirt or discharge and be eliminated through natural tearing.

Credit: http://www.ehow.com/way_5410564_honey-eye-infection.html

Tips for healing Athlete’s Foot:

Athlete’s  foot is a skin disorder caused by a by parasitic fungus called dermatophytes with symptoms of ugly dry and flaky skin, red inflammation or blistering, especially between toes. With its natural fungicidal properties, honey will naturally and effectively help.

All you have to do is soak cotton balls in honey and place them between your toes, then apply a thin coat on your foot over the affected areas and cover with a sock overnight. Wash, and thoroughly dry your feet in the morning. This can offer a wonderful alternative to over the counter medications, and leave your feet smelling honey sweet!

Tips for helping clear Acne:

My soaps at Ember Cove are perfect for fighting acne with the combination of goat milk and honey. Not only that, I make sure that the honey I use in my products is free of chemicals, additives, and has never once seen any store. This keeps everything beneficial in it that processed honey might not have to help fight your acne. Keep in mind that everyone’s acne is different and is caused by different reasons. If you experience any kind of negative effect whether small or large, to immediately stop using my soap or any other product that upsets your skin.

For acne scars that have been disturbed or picked at on your face, a dab of honey will help heal it up quickly.

Want more stories on honey and how it helps? Check this page out: http://www.benefits-of-honey.com/the-benefits-of-honey.html

Please share your honey stories with me as well! I absolutely adore feedback, especially when it’s something that has helped you!

As a disclaimer, I am not a doctor. My remedies are ideas thought up, not printed at a doctors office. Please remember if you take my advice, know that I am not a professional and do not claim to be one and I hold no responsibility for any negative side effects caused by these remedies. Consult a doctor first before treating anything yourself.

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